Held at Deloraine Showgrounds on Sunday, February 18
The annual Angora show was held at the Deloraine Showgrounds, in conjunction with the All Breeds Summer Show.
The judge was Jan Litchfield. Mary Orledge provided this brief report –
Tasmanian Division Annual Show 2024
Below are the 2024 annual show results and photos for the website. A good day was had by all and thank you to Jan Litchfield for making herself available to judge. There were 16 fleece entries and 21 animal entries. Entrants were -,
Animal entries:
Elonera Angoras
Henrietta Angoras
Neethorp Angoras
Ranga Wagga Angoras
Fleece Entries
Granary Lea Angoras
Neethorp Angoras
Full Results are shown below.
2024DeloraineResultsBelow are some images from the show (courtesy Mary Orledge).

Champion Buck (R) – Class 1: Buck Kid less than one year
Neethorp Angoras: 2317 (Brian Smith)
Reserve Champion Buck (L) – Class 3: Buck 2 years and over.
Henrietta Angoras: N073 (Gaye & Don Ackland)

Champion Doe (R)
Class: 6 Doe one year and under two years
Ranga Wagga Angoras: Skye (Vicki and Peter Winley)
Reserve Champion Doe (L)
Class: 8 Doe 3 years and over
Ranga Wagga Angoras: Malcrest Tori (Vicki and Peter Winley)

Supreme Champion Angora (L)
Class 6: Doe one year and under two years
Ranga Wagga Angoras: Skye (Vicki and Peter Winley)
Champion Kid
Class 1: Buck Kid less than one year
Neethorp Angoras: 2317 (Brian Smith)

Champion Fleece
Class 13: Skirted fleece – hair type of doe
Neethorp Angoras (Brian Smith)
Reserve Champion Fleece
Class 11: Skirted fleece of young goat doe
Neethorp Angoras (Brian Smith)